how to make ghee from malai

Making ghee from malai (cream) is a traditional method that requires some patience but yields delicious results. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  • Malai (cream)
  • A heavy-bottomed pan
  • Cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer
  • A clean, dry glass jar for storage


  1. Collect Malai (Cream): Collect fresh malai from full-fat milk. You can skim it off the top of boiled milk over a period of time until you have enough.
  2. Store Malai: Store the collected malai in a clean, airtight container in the refrigerator. Continue collecting until you have a sufficient amount.
  3. ratureBring Malai to Room Tempe: Take the malai out of the refrigerator and allow it to come to room temperature. This makes it easier to churn.
  4. Churning the Malai: Put the malai into a mixer or blender and churn it. Initially, it will turn into whipped cream, then slowly it will start releasing fat. Continue churning until the fat separates from the buttermilk.
  5. Separate the Buttermilk: Once the fat has separated completely, you will see clumps of butter floating in a liquid. This liquid is buttermilk. You can use it in cooking or baking.
  6. Strain the Butter: Take a clean, heavy-bottomed pan and pour the contents of the blender through a fine mesh strainer or a piece of cheesecloth into it. This will strain out the buttermilk, leaving behind the pure butterfat.
  7. Clarify the Butter: Heat the pan with the strained butterfat on low to medium heat. Let it melt slowly. As it melts, the butter will start to foam and bubble. Keep stirring occasionally.
  8. Remove Residue: While heating, you’ll notice some residue settling at the bottom of the pan. Gently skim off this residue with a spoon or ladle.
  9. Watch for Color Change: Keep an eye on the color of the ghee. It will turn a golden yellow and the bubbling will start to subside. At this point, it will give off a nutty aroma.
  10. Cool and Store: Once the ghee is clear and has a golden color, remove it from the heat and let it cool for a few minutes. Then strain it again through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean, dry glass jar.
  11. Storage: Once cooled completely, seal the jar tightly. Ghee can be stored at room temperature for several weeks, or in the refrigerator for longer shelf life. It solidifies at cooler temperatures but will melt again when heated.

Now you have delicious homemade ghee ready to enhance the flavor of your dishes.

 tips and tricks :

  1. Use Fresh Malai: The quality of your ghee will largely depend on the quality of the malai you use. Use fresh malai from full-fat milk for the best results.
  2. Room Temperature Malai: Allow the malai to come to room temperature before churning. Cold malai will take longer to churn and may not separate properly.
  3. Patience is Key: Churning the malai into butter takes time. Be patient and let the process unfold naturally.
  4. Low Heat for Clarification: When clarifying the butter, use low to medium heat. This slow melting process allows the water content to evaporate, leaving behind pure butterfat.
  5. Skim Off Residue: While heating the butter, skim off any foam or residue that forms on the surface. This helps achieve a clearer, purer ghee.
  6. Watch Carefully: Keep a close eye on the ghee as it clarifies. It can go from golden to burnt quickly, so don’t walk away from the stove.
  7. Use a Clean Pan: Ensure the pan you use for making ghee is clean and dry. Any water or residue in the pan can affect the flavor and shelf life of the ghee.
  8. Strain Twice: Strain the ghee once while it’s still hot to remove any solids or impurities, then strain it again once it has cooled slightly before storing. This ensures a smoother, clearer ghee.
  9. Storage: Store the ghee in a clean, dry glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Make sure the jar is completely dry to prevent any moisture from causing spoilage.
  10. Experiment with Aromatics: If desired, you can add aromatics such as cloves, cardamom, or cinnamon to the ghee while it’s clarifying for additional flavor.
  11. Enjoy Responsibly: Ghee is delicious but high in fat, so enjoy it in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to making flavorful homemade ghee that can elevate any dish!



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